Thursday 22 March 2012

Welcome To My World

Hmm, well what can I say just to start? Welcome of course, but I have to say that if you somehow wound up here, something probably went horribly wrong. I'm sort of new to this thing, but I'll try by very best to make it interesting, easy, and somewhat educational. I've been cooking for a while, ever since I can remember really, and am always trying out new recipes. This was not such a welcome sight for my mother, who was always greeted with a barrage of pots, pans, and utensils after I yelled "Finished!!"
But I thought that as I tried out these recipes and caused my parents many headaches, that you might want to take a look at what I do. True, it won't be for everyone, but if 1 person looks at this and maybe appears mildly interested, then I would say that this has all been a success. So Cheers, Here's to those that LOVE to cook! And Let's get Started!


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