Thursday 29 March 2012

Healthier Stuffed Potato Skins

Okay, well after I decided to look a little more into actual Savoury style cooking, I came across this recipe, which I adapted (As I thought that for people that hadn't eaten sweet potato before would prefer a milder dose of it). It's relatively simple, and it's healthier than normal Stuffed Potato skins. I have adapted the American measurements into grams, just to make things easier, but if anyone wants the American Equivalents, just ask

Ingredients (Serves 3-4); 

  • 4 Medium Sized Baking Potatoes
  • 1 Medium/Large Sweet Potato
  • 1 and a half tbsp Butter
  • 1 Shallot, Minced
  • 75g Fresh Baby Spinach
  • 60g Light Sour Cream
  • 55g Light Cream Cheese
  • 170g Chick Peas
  • 1/2 Ball Mozzarella Cheese
  • Salt and Pepper to Taste

First, Bake all Potatoes in Oven at Gas Mark 4 for 45-60 minutes, or until they are fork tender

While the Potatoes are cooking, Mince the Shallot into small pieces

Heat up a pan with the Butter, and Saute the Shallots over a medium heat until they are translucent.

Into this, add the spinach and Mix for 2-3 minutes, put this to the side

When the potatoes are cooked, allow them to cool slightly, and slice them in half

Take out all the fluffy yumminess from the potatoes, leaving enough on the inside to allow the skins to stand on their own,  and add it to the spinach mix. To this also add the Sweet Potato, this ads flavour, and make the potato a little creamier when mixed

Now add the Sour Cream, Cream Cheese and Chickpeas, mixing them all together. At this point add salt and pepper

After this is all mixed together, you should have a thick filling

Bake the Skins again, for around 5 minutes to make the skins nice and crispy.

Now dice up the mozzarella, cut them into small chunks

Fill the skins with the potato mix, making sure they look fabulous

Top with the Mozzarella cheese (Making sure to push the cheese in or it'll fall out) and Bake again in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until the cheese has melted

And Tada!!! Finished. You can top these with bacon if you're feeling like you need some comfort food!


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