Monday 17 June 2013

Summer Starts Here!!

So guys, finally exams are over, as of TODAAAAAYYYY!! So I will be cooking a good portion of the hours I have :D I'm craving to cook, and go swimming, but that's besides the point... But yes, there is a really weird feeling of a huge weight being lifted and it feels really, really weird.... Hmm. I keep relaxing for a minute and then completely freaking out because I think I should be revising. Its an awkward guiltiness but I've been told I'm going to get some sort of revision withdrawl symptoms... Not too sure about that, but I know that when I was revising I could think of a billion better things to do with my time, and now I can only think of like 3..
Right okay I'm waffling again, but I'm pretty much bobbing up and down right now, because I can't believe I'm free :D I walked out of that exam hall feeling liberated, but at the same time realizing that the death of an era has come to pass :/
It's a little sad.. Can't believe I've been at college for 2 whole years. That is really really scary.. All the friends I've made, I hope they don't go out in a puff of smoke. It would be awfully tragic if they did.
Okay, anyways, back to cooking, sorry... You see what you make me do?! I'm talking for England again!! I shouldn't be waffling my soul out here.. Maybe I should make another blog for this, or even a video blog.. Ohhh. That is giving me ideas... Okay right, well I've held you up for long enough now.. But the confinement is over and I'm still adjusting to my new freedom.. If you've still got exams then GOOD LUCK, if not, I've joined the club!! Please don't roll your eyes at me...
All I can say is, that hopefully there will be plenty of good things to come :) At least.... I really, really, really, hope so...


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