Friday 8 February 2013

No Cook Panetone Cream Pie

Left over Panetone and Chocolate pieces lying about? This is a perfect way to shift the basics in this fabulous cake that can be frozen until ready to serve and will leave you with a smile on your face and delight in your stomach!

Hi guys, I know I haven't updated for a bit, but I've been revising really hard for my exams, so fingers crossed! Anyway, I hope that everyone had a really great Christmas and 2013 isn't treated you too badly. But after christmas I realized I was overloaded with boxes of chocolates and so I thought that rather than scoff down the lot at 70 calories a pop, I would transfer them into something all the more enjoyable, which is where I found this Nigella recipe, and put a bit of a spin on it to make it a little more to my taste, hope you like it! :D

Ingredients; (Serves 8 people)
  • 900g panettone
  • 6tbsp Tuaca liqueur
  • 2 eggs
  • 75g caster sugar
  • 500g mascarpone (at room temperature)
  • 250ml double cream (at room temperature)
  • 125ml Marsala
  • 75g marrons glaces (pieces)
  • 125g Chopped Chocolates, I used Seashells
  • 100g Pistachio nuts (chopped)
  • 1&1/2 tsp Rum Flavouring
Recipe after the Break!

1. Okay, so pretty simples here. Cut all the panettone into 1 inch cubes and use about 300g to cover the bottom, squashing it gently it into the base of a 23cm wide springform tin. Make sure there are no spaces. Now put 2 tablespoons of the marsala onto the bread so it's trickled over

2. Whisk together the eggs and sugar until very light. Add the double cream and mascarpone. Also add the rest of the marsala. I used my mixer, Optimus, just coz I love that name :) Take

out about 300ml of the mix which will be the filling and put into another bowl and add the rum flavoring, mix  in andput in the fridge, or as I did, the garage. This will become the top layer, so extra flavor will be awesome.

3. Keep a little of the hazelenuts, chocolate and pistachios aside to add to the top of the pie. Squash the marrons glaces in your hands into whats left of the filling, add the chopped chocolate and pistachio nuts and mix again. Use half of this to cover the exposed panettone in the cake tin with no holes.

4. Put another third of the panettone cubes on top of the cream leaving no spaces and put another 2tbsp of Marsala on top of the cubes. Put the last of the cream onto the cubes and cover the cream again with the last of the cubes. Cover this with clingfilm and put in the fridge overnight

5. When serving, take out of the fridge, pop open the tin and finish with the cream mixture and scatter over whats left of the hazelnuts, chocolates and pistachios and of course, enjoy!!

Mixing the Sugar and the Eggs. Isn't Optimus Gorgeous?!

You have to try this!!!

Maybe get pre-shelled nuts, this probably took me the longest time to do..

Just before you stick in in the fridge. You can also freeze it for a delightful iced treat!


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