Saturday 9 February 2013

Formal Introductions - Optimus!

It may be February, but I'm still head over heels in love with this Gadget and it is just do damn gorgeous! I want you to imagine these pics with Eye of The Tiger music because it is just THAT cool. Duh, Duh Duh Duh, Duh Duh Duuuuuuuuh.......

I have named him Optimus Prime, for it's all incredibleness. And here he is!!

  Yep, he's epic and the cruel days of hand mixing may be a thing of the past. Shiny, Perfect and just plain amazing!!! It even comes with a perdy blue LED light for when it's switched on. This year just got awesome! Until I get my results of course...... More photos after the break!

Friday 8 February 2013

No Cook Panetone Cream Pie

Left over Panetone and Chocolate pieces lying about? This is a perfect way to shift the basics in this fabulous cake that can be frozen until ready to serve and will leave you with a smile on your face and delight in your stomach!

Hi guys, I know I haven't updated for a bit, but I've been revising really hard for my exams, so fingers crossed! Anyway, I hope that everyone had a really great Christmas and 2013 isn't treated you too badly. But after christmas I realized I was overloaded with boxes of chocolates and so I thought that rather than scoff down the lot at 70 calories a pop, I would transfer them into something all the more enjoyable, which is where I found this Nigella recipe, and put a bit of a spin on it to make it a little more to my taste, hope you like it! :D

Ingredients; (Serves 8 people)
  • 900g panettone
  • 6tbsp Tuaca liqueur
  • 2 eggs
  • 75g caster sugar
  • 500g mascarpone (at room temperature)
  • 250ml double cream (at room temperature)
  • 125ml Marsala
  • 75g marrons glaces (pieces)
  • 125g Chopped Chocolates, I used Seashells
  • 100g Pistachio nuts (chopped)
  • 1&1/2 tsp Rum Flavouring
Recipe after the Break!