Thursday 25 October 2012

Banana Chocolate Cinnamon Muffins

These muffins are sweet, with a chewy top, fluffy interior and have lushious chunks of chocolate to boot. These didn't last long in my house!

Hi again everyone! College life has been really busy, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been cooking.. So here's the latest, direct from me to you. These muffins worked up a storm and I think I'll be cooking them again pretty soon. I found this recipe in a book, and enhanced it to give it a kick. I don't love strong banana flavours so only used 2 instead of 3. But if you love bananas, then by all means add the third! Made with ingredients that you probably have lying around your kitchen so you might not even have to buy anything else at all!

Ingredients; (Makes about 12 Muffins)
  • 275g Self Raising Flour
  • 1tsp Bicarb of Soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 Large bananas
  • 125g Golden Caster Sugar
  • 1 Large Egg, Beaten
  • 50ml Semi-skimmed Milk
  • 75g Unsalted Butter, Melted and then Cooled
  • 50g Plain Chocolate, Chopped (plus a little extra to shave on top)
  • 1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp Ground Nutmeg


1. Heat the oven to Gask Mark 4 / 180'C / 375'F and melt the butter in a small dish or ramikin, in the microwave and allow it to cool. Line a Muffin tin with cases either paper of silicon.
2. In a large bowl, sift together the Flour, Bicarb, and salt together and put it to the side.
3. In another bowl, peel the bananas and mash them together with a fork. You'd think this would be easy, but I almost broke my arm doing this... Add in the Sugar, Egg and Melted Butter and mix together. Put this into the flour mixture along with the chopped chocolate. Add in the cinnamon and the nutmeg. Don't overmix. Just until the flour has been incorperated.
4. The mixture will be lumpy, this is good. Use a self serving ice cream scoop (with a mechanism that pushes things out) for even and extra speedy filling of the cases. If you don't have one, then just use 2 spoons...
5. Bake for 20 minutes or until the tops are golden and a skewer comes out clean. They can keep for several days, but should really be eaten the day they are made.
6. As an added touch, you could grate a little chocolate over the muffins while they are still hot

Melt the Butter

Mix it looks like it's starting to separate

Chop the chocolate

Seieve the ingredients so that there is plenty of air in the mixture

Mash the bananas

Mix the ingredients together

Add them to the flour mixture. It looks like snowy ice caps in ocean to cinnamon bananas

I love this tool!!!

Fill em up!
Please Comment, and Above all, Enjoy!!!!


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